Thursday, March 11, 2010

I think I broke a bone in my hand?

ok so, I had a peice of furniture fall on top of my hand, It hurts sooooo bad, but, i am not 100% sure its broken..... there is a bit of swelling, and I can move it in certain directions, I CANNOT squeeze anything, or make a fist, it is a bit bruised, it is extremely painfull, and hurts all the time, but heres the thing, I broke a different bone in the same hand, a few years ago, and it swelled like a golf ball was under my skin, and turned dark purple. this time it's different, looking I mean, still hurts really bad.

I know i should just go get it exrayed, but I don't wanna feel stupid, and waste the money if its not broken.... does anyone have any idea? does it have to swell badly when its fractured, or is just a little swelling still a sign, OH and there is a small/med sized lump right under the skin, the lump is kinda hard, and hurts like the devil if i touch it.

its located just under the knucle of my pointer finger..... any ideas?
I think I broke a bone in my hand?
It sounds a lot like what is called a "boxers fracture", and the only way to know for certain is to go have it x-rayed. A fracture doesn't have to swell or bruise badly to be doing damage to the tissue around it, and even if it is just cracked it still needs attention. The hand is much to important to mess around with chancing losing function. Go to the doctor- none of us have x-ray vision or can diagnose that over the web. Better silly and safe.
I think I broke a bone in my hand?
Reply:go to the doctor
Reply:do you want me to teleport my X-Ray machine to you?
Reply:my finger was fractured for 2 weeks before I went to the doctor so now it's kind of crooked. Just go. you won't feel stupid. Mine was very swollen. It was my ring finger. My whole palm and the back of my hand and sides of my finger were purple. So get it checked out.
Reply:Sounds like you dislocated it.
Reply:Better get it looked at.

Better to look a little foolish than to have a disabled hand for life, eh?
Reply:But you were able to type all that stuff with a broken finger?

I don't think so
Reply:Is there any bruising or discoloration? That's a sure sign of a fracture.

The fact it hurts should send you to your doctor. If nothing else you can get something for the pain. It is serious enough to have it looked at. An X-Ray would tell for sure, but it could be a sprain or other damage and you should get it checked out.
Reply:Seriously, the only way to know for sure is to have it X-rayed. U mite want to wait a day to see if it feels any better first.
Reply:ice it for about half an hour. if the pain doesn't get any better, go to emerg
Reply:don't fool around, go straight away and get medical attention.

you have probably broken the old injury again, and maybe another bone or joint.
Reply:dude, u might as well go to the doctor

i'd rather waste than money

cause it may get worse and u dont check/treat it
Reply:Put ice on it for the first 24 hours and see how it looks. If it's not a fx the ice should help and the swelling and discoloration should diminish. And the ice should help the pain. If it still hurts as much, discolors more, and is more swollen, you should get it looked at by a MD.
Reply:i had my fingers broke before and it hurts like heck, i couldn't deal with the pain so i went into medical for treatment immediately, the sooner you get into the doctor the better just in case you did they may have to do surgery, which that sucks too i've got 2 metal pieces in my fingers 1st and middle and also have a few tubes for blood vessels, because i crushed them. well good luck and i hope you don't have a broken hand but it does sound like it.
Reply:Let me see.

You don't want to have it x-rayed cause it might not be broken and that would make you feel stupid for spending the money. Is this correct?

I can understand how you feel. I have always felt stupid for spending money on something I didn't need. Like spending a few thousand for a stupid Treadmill test for my heart, and, then finding out it is normal. That would have made me feel really stupid for spending that money. So, what was the result of my not feeling stupid?


Did I feel stupid for spending the $100,000 for my heart attack?

You decide.

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