Thursday, March 11, 2010

Someone tell me what this is!`?

I have no idea what this is, is it warts or what? sometimes on my hands and feet, ususally like on the sides of my fingers, and the back of my heels I get these wierd things. They look almost like they are bubbling up from under my skin, and sometimes I almost get these wierd outbreaks of them. When it happens, I don't just get one or two, I get clusters of like 15 or more! but they are usually really small and really clustered, but sometimes they get kind of big. And they're kind of itchy too, and if I itch it to much, and the skin breaks, a liquid, a clear puss type thing sometimes oozes out. it's kind of gross, and it's annoying! and I don't know what they are, or how to get rid if it! they usually go away on their own after a month if I don't touch them, but if the skin breaks, it seems like they spread and then they don't go away for a few months. And sometimes the healing process involves really really dry flaky skin around the area. someone tell me what's going on!

Someone tell me what this is!`?
Sounds like an early sign of skin cancer, go get help ASAP.
Someone tell me what this is!`?
A doctor is definitely needed on this one.

Be careful to keep them covered until they heal in case it's contagious.
Reply:Don't have a clue,please see a professional.
Reply:It sounds like a hand dermatitis, possibly allergic.

"When hand dermatitis is caused by a fungal infection, the symptoms include itchy blisters along the sides of the fingers."


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