Monday, March 15, 2010

I have 3 Silver Dollars in my 90 gallon tank. Ever since I got them I noticed air bubble like things on them.

Along with them in the tank are about 25 other fish that vary from loaches to sharks and plecos. I have been treating the tank for over 6 weeks with CopperSafe. I have also raised the temp and cut the light time. I also do have alot of aeration in the tank. I have not noticed any decrease in the spots, nor an increase. None of the other fish have gotten spots on them either. What is going on here? If its Ich it should be dead by now or at least the other fish should have gotten it. Wondering if it could be something thats under their skin, or just air bubbles. They look to be more clear than white, but they also appear to be somewhat under the skin. Iam completely puzzled. HELP !!!!!
I have 3 Silver Dollars in my 90 gallon tank. Ever since I got them I noticed air bubble like things on them.
Without more detailed info there are several protozoans that can cause this appearance and some can survive copper while attached to the fish. That would explain the lack if elimination of the spots as well as why it has not spread. You can certainly try a different treatment targeted at protozoans such as a louse medication or something like Flagyl ( Metronidazole).

Also, those could potentially be scares from a previous infection from something like Lernaea.

More information and possibly a photo would be required to narrow it down any further.

I have 3 Silver Dollars in my 90 gallon tank. Ever since I got them I noticed air bubble like things on them.
Silver dollars are suceptible to ich, and they get it quite often. You said you have been treating your tank with coppersafe for 6 weeks? That is alot of medication to be buying for a 90 gallon. Silver dollars also have really small scales, and when one gets damaged, it can appear to look similar to ich. I strongly recommend you do a water test for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. It could be some other type of parasite, but my bet is on damaged scales, which is very common in this species. In the future, I recommend that you figure out what illness the fish has before spending a small fortune on coppersafe or other meds. The corporate executives at Mardel must love you!
Reply:no worries about the air bubles on the dallors but worry on the fish bubles. First, before you put the quater in did you wash it? if you didnt get the quarters out right away. but if you did and your still worried still get them out.
Reply:now are you talking about silver dolars like money or silver dollars like the species of fish?

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