Monday, March 15, 2010

Are you in agreement to legislation requiring a bio-chip implant in humans with a crime record?

Veri-Chip Corp. is mfg. a bio-chip capable of being implanted under the skin in farm animals so that their entire history can be on file with the new NAIS oversite boondoggle agency. The stated purpose: to control disease outbreaks and limit their contamination.

A similar chip can be implanted under the skin of humans as well, for the purpose of clear absolute identification making it difficult to compromise or steal one's identity. This technology is capable of containing all of your medical, financial and property records and related identifying numbers and history. Certain machine "readers" can then readily access this micro chip information.

It is unclear as to whether or not a thief could steal this information by simply kidnapping a person %26amp; then using a hackers equipment to access this information? Would this type of implant invite a new type of criminal activity?

If the implant bus.isn't clear to you, here is a website that can help -
Are you in agreement to legislation requiring a bio-chip implant in humans with a crime record?
No, someone who commited a crime and has completed the punishment given by the courts should not have to have a microchip implanted inside them for any reason. It would be cruel and unusual punishment which is forbidden by this country.

Someone who is on parole, probation or some similar punishment for a crime, I feel still should not have to endure a microchip implant, and I hope that it would never be allowed by law.

Now lets for example take someone who is on probation or parole for a serious crime like rape or murder. It reasons that this person could still be considered a threat to society since they have not completed thier punishment and been rehabilited. These people could be considered for a program to implant microchips with criminal records on them, but to what end? A person on probation or parole is already under the supervision of the state, and can be put in jail for almost anything, in some cases even contact with the police that does not result in arrest or citation can violate someones probation or parole. The police have access to a persons records easily and can identify a person with ease at the scence of a crime or a stop for any reason. People who are considered dangerous and a threat to the community are usually placed in jail rather then on probation, and are only releases on parole at such a time as the parole baord feels they are not a threat and as i said before they are monitored by the police dept. people who are considered risks and are let out usually have to wear a ankle bracelet containing a gps system to the police can keep track of them or are placed on house arrest and are subject to closer monitering. So there is no logical reasoning for implanting criminals who are on probation or parole with microchips and there is no reason to implant convicted criminals who have finished thier sentence with microchips.

The goverment has been pushing for things like these under the guise of protecting citizens, but to anyone who doesn't just buy the party line and actually thinks for themselfs it should be clear that the best intrests of the citizens of this country are not served by constant monitoring by the goverment. Why wold the goverment need to be able to constantly monitor its citizens? If i am walking down the street doing nothing wrong, why should the police be able to just find out who i am? which could be easily done with chip implants. why should the police be able to pull up my entire record for walking with my girlfriend with out me commiting a crime? why should they be able to invade my privacy without my consent when i have commited not crime?

Now as far as the chips creating new crime, of course no safegaurds are ever safe enough there will always be crime as long as there is law. I belive that chip implants will only make crime worse with people being able to steal a persons whole identity just by stealing the chip. I can envision murders in third world countries and a black market such as has only been envisioned by science fiction writers.
Are you in agreement to legislation requiring a bio-chip implant in humans with a crime record?
a few people have had this done already with their medical records on the chip. Of course it is completely voluntary, but one can certainly see that govt. at some point wanting to track people that way. In fact, take it a step further and add GPS to it, and we are all toast - and I dont believe in govt. conspiracies.
Reply:Nope, I'm not. Here are some thoughts:

I think we have to remember that human nature is what it is. Most people will not want a chip in their bodies or in their children. Also, if a company can make the chip so can someone else, even if they have to do it illegaly. So it would cause a host of problems...besides, what is the protocol for retrieving the chips when the person dies? There would be a black market for those things in a flash...many criminals would want those to change their identity. I think such a system would be very cumbersome and require far too much oversite to secure and regulate.

What we're more likely to see in the near future is a shift toward biometric recognition devices. Electronic fingerprint readers are cheap and's harder to trade fingers than chips. Facial recognition technology is also pretty well developed and already in use...again harder to trade faces than chips. Once the person is properly identified, then you can access a host of information in databases that already exist...granted it might takea search warrant or subpoena to do it legally, but at least you know who you're looking at.
Reply:Again.......smells a little like 666 to me........
Reply:I don't think the American public would ever agree to it. It sounds awfully "big brother" to me.

There is certainly an "end times" feel to it as well.
Reply:its a good idea
Reply:California has a new DNA law requiring certain felons to submit to DNA sampling. Between that and live scan law enforcement can properly identify and obtain history of each suspect. Live Scan is a fingerprinting computer that instantly checks the prints against the Department of Justice data. Results are sent back to the agency within minutes. The DNA can be used if the suspect went as far as destroying his fingerprints or cutting off his fingers. Obtaining a criminal history on a person is easy for law enforcement to do as long as they have justified reason for needing it.
Reply:I am for this 100% for criminals that have done harm to others such as pedifiles who cannot be cured.I am from Florida where the Jessica lunsford crime took place.If John Coey had a Implant,it would have probably saved her life as they would have discovered very quickly that he had left his place of residence and was living next door to this child.We MUST keep track of these predators.

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