Sunday, March 14, 2010

Ok LADIES i really need some help here PLEASE!!!!?

Ok, I usually wax"private area", but I didn't have time the other day before I was going out, so I shaved.........well I'll start by saying I'll NEVER do that again..........

Anyway, the problem is, I'd say at least half of the hairs are now growing back in UNDER the skin...........the whole area is really quite sore when my knickers rub on it (not to mention itchy as hell) and it's covered in little red spots that, if i scratch off the top of them, lets the hair out.

What can I do to stop the soreness and stop the hairs from growing under the skin???? Please no stupid answers, I really need some advice here!
Ok LADIES i really need some help here PLEASE!!!!?
Yeah shaving isn't the way to go. Did that once and I had to just let it grow out and I had a few ingrown hairs too. They will come out....Just let it grow and never do that again. It took about 3 to 5 days for the red and itching to stop.
Ok LADIES i really need some help here PLEASE!!!!?
try some kind of bikini cream like bikini zone. maybe that will help......
Reply:Go and see your doctor
Reply:keep to the waxing or use nair
Reply:they say that hydro-cortizone cream 10% helps but my recommendation is to shave it again - bad as that may sound. do it everyday for two or three days and do not scratch, and it should feel and look better.
Reply:My little sister uses hydrocortizone cream (like cortaide). She says it works. I always shave. Always use a new razor. I also heard to soak in hot water and then exfoliate the area.
Reply:Check in the "hair removal" section of your drugstore, there are products specifically for bikini bumps, I havn't tried them so i can't vouch for how well they work, but it's worth a shot. Otherwise baby oil (used while you are in the shower) can help with the chaffing.
Reply:find a man into nature and let it grow
Reply:Go and see your doctor about remedying your immediate problem, but it may be a case of getting a pair of pointed tweezers down there.

Reply:Obviously, never do that again, keep it clean, let it grow back, and moisturise plenty. Feel for you though. Should be ok after few days.
Reply:You need something soothing for the skin..........i would go for aloe vera to help the skin heal and take the soreness away. To get all those pesky hairs out you need to exfoliate and massage the skin GENTLY. Try a dry flannel. You need to keep the skin moisturised in order for those hairs to get out, so when you have exfoliated maybe massage something in along the lines of an E45 cream. Hope this helps!
Reply:You have all the classic signs of razor burn. The pubic area does not lend itself to shaving, because pubic hairs are very coarse and grow in all different directions. Shaving close in this area can be extremely irritating and result in the itchy red bumps and ingrown hairs that you're experiencing. Try some medicated powders or salves that will ease the painful burning and itching until the hair grows back again. Next time try a depilatory or wax instead of shaving. Or go to a salon and get waxed. However, this is also painful in that delicate area. If you must shave, just do the bikini area -- where the hairs grow out from the underpants onto the upper thigh -- and shave in a downward direction. You won't get as close a shave, but you'll be less apt to get razor burn. There are also things at the drug store you can put on the razor burn to eliminate the red spots. Check with a lady pharmacist if you're too embarassed to ask a male pharmacist.
Reply:Ouch, been there, done that - never doing it again! I feel for you, I really do!!!

Anyway, I'd recommend that you get a fairly rough towel and rub it over the area will hurt a bit, but it will help to remove the top layer of skin which is trapping the hairs underneath it. For any particularly nasty ones, get some tweezers and pluck the hair out. And moisturise after you've exfoliated.......that should help. It'll take a few days for the itchiness to subside, some hydrocortisone cream would help with that, but just be careful you don't get it on any "delicate" areas! Good luck!
Reply:i have always shaved my bikini line with a razor,the first few times it was uncomfortable(especially when wearing jeans)and ended up with big red spots.but now i find it the easiest and cheapest way.if you're not planning to get intimate or a girls night out then do it then(otherwise you'll look like you've got crabs)ha ha.but seriously after a few times you'll wonder why you ever paid so much for creams.good luck
Reply:try talcum powder on your lady garden to relieve the itchiness
Reply:Honey there isn't anything you can do but wait for it to grow out and never never shave again.
Reply:next time get a lover to shave you instead,it can be erotic!!

I am regularly shaving my wife's valuva once a week from last

10 yrs.
Reply:Been there and totally sympathise! Try some aloe vera gel to take the soreness down, also, I know it sounds wierd but I used canesten as it 'cooled' the area. I called the beautician (even though I usually did it myself), then were really helpful and told me to come in - they'll advise you on the ingrowing hairs too.
Reply:I had this probelm in my armpits once. You must really go to see your doctor as the hair follicles could get infected, meaning you will need a course of antibiotics.
Reply:it should grow back,let it do that.And the help the soreness,use camoline lotion,that will help it not feel so sore.
Reply:it take a few weeks to sort self out wear you big period knickers and know horrible but will stop the rubbing when you at home take bottoms off and in bed so it can breath use a cream i used e45 when happened to me
Reply:just keep moisturising.don't do anything else to the area for a week or to. i have done that once when i was younger. its nicer to leave it. i feel it like peadi for a bloke to prefer it bald?

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