Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hard ball on babys breast?

I have a 2 1/2 old baby girl and (before today my wife and I had not noticed her breasts like this) there is a very hard ball about the size of a nickel to the left of her nipple, under the skin and a smaller one on the other breast. It moves under the skin and is not firmly stationary. Please help?!? Is this normal
Hard ball on babys breast?
at 2 weeks i would say this is normal

mama's hormones are still exitting baby's body...which account for the enlarged breasts, vaginal discharge and possibly lactation in the infant

don't stress daddy....she'll be fine
Hard ball on babys breast?
It's probably "witch's milk". Baby gets exposed to mom's hormones in the womb and after birth if breastfeeding and some of them produce milk.
Reply:It is from mom's hormones. They may even produce a drop of milk or two. It is also not uncommon for a newborn baby girl to have what appears to be a period. They have been sharing hormones with mom for quite a while and continue to do so if she is breastfeeding. I swore with my third baby I was going to have to have a bra designed for her!
Reply:It's normal.It sounds like a clogged milk duct.You can try putting warm compresses on it and massage it lightly for the weekend and call her doctor on monday.But if it gets hot and red or seems painfull to her then call her doctor immediatly!!good luck.

thats what my ped told me.It was the same thing i did while breastfeeding and got one.
Reply:This is normal.. They are her breast buds. If you are concerned abou them though, its best to call the pediatrician. He/she can put your mind at ease better than anyone on here.
Reply:In the womb, babies are exposed to all of their mother's hormones. The same hormones that cause the mother's breasts to swell and milk glands to be stimulated can do the same to the baby's breasts.

Over weeks, or sometimes even months, when there is no more exposure to the hormones, the breast tissue begins to shrink and eventually becomes quite flat. Occasionally a normal, small nubbin of tissue remains, but it doesn't grow or cause discomfort.

Sometimes overly worried parents touch and pinch the breasts so much that the area gets irritated. Leave them alone and let nature take its course in shrinking them.

There is no need to worry about them unless they look infected (swollen, red, tender, have a discharge) and the baby has a fever, call your pediatric provider to check if an infection has set in.
Reply:My 6 month old had the same thing until about 4 months old. (I have to be honest, I didnt notice it unil around 2 months as well.) Nickel sized, hard, moves when touched. Doctor said it was completely normal from my horomones, would go away. They diappeared about a month later.

*EDIT- she never leaked milk from them either...
Reply:To the best of my knowledge it is normal.

My son had little bumps under his nipples around that time. They were also a little red. It was due my hormones coming out of his system and the fact that I am breastfeeding him made it more likely to be there. Do not squeeze them leave them alone and they will go away. Try not to move them around to much.

If you are still concerned call your pediatrician and ask them about it. That is what they are there for.
Reply:i would get her to the doc to get her checked out. always better be safe then sorry.
Reply:this doesnt sound normal to me, but i have boys. i would contact your dr to have her checked out. could be fluid built up, or something similar to that. don't take chances with newborns. i would contact your on call dr and they can triage you and then make an appointment for tomarrow. by the way congrats on your new addition. it will be an exciting time, and you will worry all the time. lol good luck, i hope it is nothing.
Reply:I have a 7 year old girl and that isn't normal at all. you should certainly go to a doctor as soon as possible. good luck, I hope nothing is wrong!

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