Monday, March 15, 2010

Do tsi sti flies fly in swarms?

And do they all burrow in under your skin to lay eggs? And then the adults die under your skin?
Do tsi sti flies fly in swarms?
Swarms - they don't swarm in the traditional sense of many flies attacking the same person, but they do form "following swarms" that can track a host.

Eggs - tsetse flies do NOT lay eggs in human skin. The eggs partially develop in the mother's uterus, and then are laid into the soil where they continue to mature.

Death - tsetse flies do NOT die under human skin. They can bite humans and infect them with various infectious diseases (especially trypanosomiasis), but they never actually enter the human host.
Do tsi sti flies fly in swarms?
Tsetse flies .. this site

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