Monday, March 15, 2010

Where to get nose pierced around Surrey, UK>?

I hope this will be my last question regarding nose piercings!! Usually i go to Under The Skin in Aldershot, but i live near Guildford. Does anyone know of a good piercing place in or around Surrey that will pierce my nose with a needle and not a gun, does anyone know if Under The Skin would use a needle or a gun for this? Please help as i'm meant to be getting it done on Friday! :-o!!!!
Where to get nose pierced around Surrey, UK%26gt;?
Never let anyone come near you with a piercing gun.

Any piercer worth a damn will use a needle for all piercings.

Toni Hairdressers

68, Haydon Place, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4LR

Tel: 01483 573420

I have 3 Silver Dollars in my 90 gallon tank. Ever since I got them I noticed air bubble like things on them.

Along with them in the tank are about 25 other fish that vary from loaches to sharks and plecos. I have been treating the tank for over 6 weeks with CopperSafe. I have also raised the temp and cut the light time. I also do have alot of aeration in the tank. I have not noticed any decrease in the spots, nor an increase. None of the other fish have gotten spots on them either. What is going on here? If its Ich it should be dead by now or at least the other fish should have gotten it. Wondering if it could be something thats under their skin, or just air bubbles. They look to be more clear than white, but they also appear to be somewhat under the skin. Iam completely puzzled. HELP !!!!!
I have 3 Silver Dollars in my 90 gallon tank. Ever since I got them I noticed air bubble like things on them.
Without more detailed info there are several protozoans that can cause this appearance and some can survive copper while attached to the fish. That would explain the lack if elimination of the spots as well as why it has not spread. You can certainly try a different treatment targeted at protozoans such as a louse medication or something like Flagyl ( Metronidazole).

Also, those could potentially be scares from a previous infection from something like Lernaea.

More information and possibly a photo would be required to narrow it down any further.

I have 3 Silver Dollars in my 90 gallon tank. Ever since I got them I noticed air bubble like things on them.
Silver dollars are suceptible to ich, and they get it quite often. You said you have been treating your tank with coppersafe for 6 weeks? That is alot of medication to be buying for a 90 gallon. Silver dollars also have really small scales, and when one gets damaged, it can appear to look similar to ich. I strongly recommend you do a water test for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. It could be some other type of parasite, but my bet is on damaged scales, which is very common in this species. In the future, I recommend that you figure out what illness the fish has before spending a small fortune on coppersafe or other meds. The corporate executives at Mardel must love you!
Reply:no worries about the air bubles on the dallors but worry on the fish bubles. First, before you put the quater in did you wash it? if you didnt get the quarters out right away. but if you did and your still worried still get them out.
Reply:now are you talking about silver dolars like money or silver dollars like the species of fish?

Question about Staph Infections?

I am 39 weeks pregnant with what I believe is a Staph infection underneath my armpit. It started out as like a bump under my skin that felt like there was fluid in it. So of course being completely brilliant like I am(hmmm) I decided to try to pop it b/c it hurt so bad. When I went to pop it; it did just that but underneath my skin. Midnight that night I woke up with a horrible fever and sever pain under my arm and down my side and back. Went to the doc and he put me on anti-biotics...does anyone know what I can do to relieve the pain until the meds start to work? I can't even pick anything up with my left arm. Please help!! Thank you!
Question about Staph Infections?
Darllin!! GET YOU TO YOUR DR. NOW!!!!! Staph can kill ya!! YOU need a ton of Keflex antibiotics!! and wash your arm pits in alachol a lots--. just get to a Dr. staph is a badddd thing to have during :dog dayz) in the summer in the south...
Question about Staph Infections?
Ice compresses will get the fever and swelling down. That is probably what is causing the pain.
Reply:Try warm compress.
Reply:Ouch! I hope you get better quick. You should ask a doctor or a pharmacist what is safe to take while you are pregnant.

I wish you the best of luck. Get plenty of rest and take care of yourself.
Reply:You can't take anything due to you being pregnant..try some hot wash hot packs maybe.
Reply:well, you would think a warm compress, however, with infection anything warm would to me be a big no no.

other than allowing cool air to circulate it and cool presses.

i know the feeling of a staph infection...had one that almos took my life while on chemo.

good luck and i wish you well and a healthy baby!
Reply:Warm compress,and warm baths.Clean it as best you can with iodine or alchol apply some boil ease to it and bandage it up.Boilease is great
Reply:its called a boil! tar ointment help and so does epson salt. some say a peeled potato helps it break on its own.
Reply:because you are pregnant tylenol is the only thing you can take while pregnant also take warm wash clothes every 15 minutes or so and place under your arm for some added relief. the tylenol will also reduce the fever. do not let the fever go past 101.0 if it does go to the emergency room and tell them what happened and tell them you took tylenol for pain and to reduce the fever
Reply:I seriously don't know what you can do but my mother had staph infection when I was a baby...she died at 39 with Lupus..but people always blamed the staph infection that she had early on in her life. I don't know but i'd also ask your doctor about possible problems later on with that kind of stuff..just to be on the safe side.
Reply:Tylenol. Proven safe in 3rd trimester pregnancy. They'd give it to you on L%26amp;D.
Reply:try warm compresses,if a head forms don't pop it.

house plants gifts

What is the healing process of getting circumcised does it hurt and what is a good prise range?

ok i am 14 yearsold and i want to get circumcised and i want to no as much as i can about the whole process before i go to her first off i would like to know how much does it cost(i no there is no exaet prise but wat is a good range) what is the healing prcess like how long does it take to heal are you able to get erections give me stories. you proble want 2 know why i want to get this done so badly its not because most guys do its because one easy to clean less risk of getting something i shouldnt. to i wasnt informed about cleaning under the skin when i was younger may seam disgusting but true i keep on top oof it now and also i now have a bump on the skin well under it and when i pull back i can see it and i think it would be bes t for me 2 get circumsised
What is the healing process of getting circumcised does it hurt and what is a good prise range?
This is a decision which will make a major negative impact on your sex life for the rest of your life -- it is irreversibile. You are too young to fully appreciate the advantages of retaining your foreskin -- at 14 you are not yet fully developed. This is not a decision any guy should make until puberty is completely finished. You would really bitterly regret making this decision when you are 5-10 years older. Wait. This is not a time to make permanent changes in your fast-changing body.
What is the healing process of getting circumcised does it hurt and what is a good prise range?
circumcisition in the philippines is for free...

heals in more or less than a week...

the process never hurts...

well you can't get erections while in the healing process...

and yah right, its very easy to clean, looks good also
Reply:I don't know about the price, but here is some information on the consequences.

No medical institution in the world actually recommends the practice.

Let's have a look at medical associations in the developed world. The British Medical Association, Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Canadian Paediatric Society, American Medical Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, Australian College of Paediatrics and Australasian Association of Paediatric Surgeons. Every one of them recommends AGAINST performing the procedure. Their positions on the procedure can be found here:

The foreskin keeps the glans soft and moist and protects it from trauma and injury. Without this protection, the glans becomes dry, calloused, and desensitized from exposure and chafing.

Specialized nerve endings in the foreskin enhance sexual pleasure.

The foreskin may have functions not yet recognized or understood.

[ ]

"The glans of the circumcised penis is less sensitive to fine touch than the glans of the uncircumcised penis. The transitional region from the external to the internal prepuce is the most sensitive region of the uncircumcised penis and more sensitive than the most sensitive region of the circumcised penis. Circumcision ablates the most sensitive parts of the penis." Circumcision cuts off the five most sensitive points from the penis [Touch test sensitivity experiment, British Journal of Urology 2007, copy of report: ].

The foreskin reduces the force required by the penis to enter the vagina while circumcision contributes to vaginal dryness. [ , ]

The foreskin also increases the sexual enjoyment of the female partner. [ ]

It can and does result in very significant scaring.

It can and does result in sexual problems later in life.

Circumcised males have a much higher rate of sexual dysfunction and premature ejaculation. [ ]

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) "there is little evidence to affirm the association between circumcision status and optimal penile hygiene." [ ]

Hygiene and prevention of disease are among the commonest reasons cited for performing male circumcision. This directory contains references that examine the validity of these claims in detail:

You are not less prone to STD's, cancer, giving females cancer or anything else. Read the literature library I have referenced. It includes information from National Health Administrations like the American Cancer Society and the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Oh, if you want to know how to clean yourself intact, simple pull back the foreskin it the shower and wash yourself. Let water run over yourself. You may want to not apply soap under where the foreskin lies.

"In sexually mature males, accumulated smegma should be washed away periodically. Soap should be avoided. If soap is used for washing, all residual soap should be rinsed away. Washing with soap is a cause of balanitis."

This is in the disease library I have referenced.
Reply:Circumcision costs vary depending on the state, who performs it, and the kind of insurance you (or your parents in your case) has. It's probably not covered by insurance if it's done for cosmetic and non-medically necessary reasons, and can cost up to several hundred dollars.

From what I've heard the healing process can be really annoying/painful. It generally takes 2-4 weeks to heal. Erections will tend to pull on the stitches and cause pain that way. Also the glans (penis head) will feel oversensitive from rubbing against everything constantly. The sensitivity should decrease and become bearable after about a month or so. Also, you must stop any kind of sexual activity (no masturbation, sex, etc) as that could rip the stitches and makes things really messy and painful.

In my opinion, if you're not having immediate physical/medical problems with your foreskin, there's no really good reason to get circumcised. Cleaning the foreskin is very easy, as I'm uncircumcised too and it's like second nature. It really only takes like 5 more seconds or so; just pull back the foreskin and wash the area underneath like any other part of the body during a shower/bath. That's about it.

And most studies show no real difference between circumcised and uncircumcised guys in getting STDs or infections. In fact, as long as you keep the area clean, there's virtually no difference at all (and this includes HIV, see link 1). In all actuality, circumcision won't prevent/reduce your chances of getting anything; condoms and safe sex will (and hygiene helps too).

The bump may be normal and may go away on its own if you maintain good hygiene in the area. It could be pearly penile papules (link 2), which are normal and nothing to be concerned about, and even circumcision won't eliminate it.

And lastly, circumcision would remove a lot of the nerve endings in the foreskin, nerve endings that would otherwise contribute to sexual sensitivity so things feel better (link 3). Also, there have been studies that seem to show that the foreskin might be beneficial in the sexual satisfaction/pleasure of not only the guy, but the girl as well (links 4, 5, 6).

So in my opinion, if nothing's really wrong right now, you probably won't benefit much from circumcision. Things probably won't feel as good afterwards if you get circumcised, there's no major change in hygiene (unless of course you're having lots of problems with your foreskin), and there's no real difference in getting STDs or infections (unless you're really unclean and plan to have lots of unprotected sex, in which case it might help a tiny bit).

So why put yourself through something where the benefits are only worth it if you plan on being unclean and have unprotected sex? As long as your foreskin works, you maintain good hygiene, and practice safe sex, it's probably better to keep the foreskin. I've no problems with mine and I don't intend on changing.
Reply:As far as cleaning goes, getting circumcised would only save you the five seconds that you spend to pull the foreskin back and rub the head. =P

Also, are you sure that bump isn't normal? You mention under the head, and that's usually where the frenulum is located. You also have a frenulum under your tongue and lips.

Make sure you consider the risks, too, and negative side effects. Nothing is all benefits. In addition, many of the studies that claim that it reduces your chances of getting something are being proved false.

Anyways, insurance is usually over $1,000 or around there (it's that much because they put you to sleep, so unlike newborns you won't yell your guts out). Recovery is about two weeks and is most painful during erections and urination (but especially erections for obvious reasons).

Anyways, here are the risks and links to consider:

At an older age, to avoid the pain that newborns (although a decreasing number of, since fewer are getting it done) go through, you're put to sleep.

However, recovery is another thing. That takes about two weeks to heal (and can take longer, depending on your age). During that time there shouldn't be an masturbation or sex, and pain will be common with erections (and possibly urination).

Other than that, also read up on the risks of circumcision. It's something that cannot be undone if you don't end up liking it.

Circumcision = loss of sensitivity according to new study,2933,2855...

Higher erectile dysfunction rates after circumcision:

When women didn't know what penis they were dealing with (circumcised or uncircumcised) 9 out of 10 preferred uncircumcised (study).

Foreskin anatomy and function (keeps the glans soft and protects it, etc).

Circumcision is extremely painful.

The USA is the last advanced nation doing it, but rates have fallen down from over 90% in the 1960s to as low as 21% here in California currently. From CNN:

Circumcision was actually promoted in the USA at first to stop masturbation (in hopes of it being tight enough to require lubes and not have skin to slide since the foreskin is already moist)

USA = highest HIV rates in advanced nations (and highest circumcision rates). CIA statistics:

And one study already trashed the claims of the study that said that circumcision reduces HIV.

Worldwide circumcision rates:

And discussion of common circumcision benefit myths and discussion of all the risks that can develop over time and negative side effects (buried penis, meatal stenosis, etc):

What is the healing process of getting circumcised does it hurt and what is a good prise range?

ok i am 14 yearsold and i want to get circumcised and i want to no as much as i can about the whole process before i go to her first off i would like to know how much does it cost(i no there is no exaet prise but wat is a good range) what is the healing prcess like how long does it take to heal are you able to get erections give me stories. you proble want 2 know why i want to get this done so badly its not because most guys do its because one easy to clean less risk of getting something i shouldnt. to i wasnt informed about cleaning under the skin when i was younger may seam disgusting but true i keep on top oof it now and also i now have a bump on the skin well under it and when i pull back i can see it and i think it would be bes t for me 2 get circumsised
What is the healing process of getting circumcised does it hurt and what is a good prise range?
This is a decision which will make a major negative impact on your sex life for the rest of your life -- it is irreversibile. You are too young to fully appreciate the advantages of retaining your foreskin -- at 14 you are not yet fully developed. This is not a decision any guy should make until puberty is completely finished. You would really bitterly regret making this decision when you are 5-10 years older. Wait. This is not a time to make permanent changes in your fast-changing body.
What is the healing process of getting circumcised does it hurt and what is a good prise range?
circumcisition in the philippines is for free...

heals in more or less than a week...

the process never hurts...

well you can't get erections while in the healing process...

and yah right, its very easy to clean, looks good also
Reply:I don't know about the price, but here is some information on the consequences.

No medical institution in the world actually recommends the practice.

Let's have a look at medical associations in the developed world. The British Medical Association, Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Canadian Paediatric Society, American Medical Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, Australian College of Paediatrics and Australasian Association of Paediatric Surgeons. Every one of them recommends AGAINST performing the procedure. Their positions on the procedure can be found here:

The foreskin keeps the glans soft and moist and protects it from trauma and injury. Without this protection, the glans becomes dry, calloused, and desensitized from exposure and chafing.

Specialized nerve endings in the foreskin enhance sexual pleasure.

The foreskin may have functions not yet recognized or understood.

[ ]

"The glans of the circumcised penis is less sensitive to fine touch than the glans of the uncircumcised penis. The transitional region from the external to the internal prepuce is the most sensitive region of the uncircumcised penis and more sensitive than the most sensitive region of the circumcised penis. Circumcision ablates the most sensitive parts of the penis." Circumcision cuts off the five most sensitive points from the penis [Touch test sensitivity experiment, British Journal of Urology 2007, copy of report: ].

The foreskin reduces the force required by the penis to enter the vagina while circumcision contributes to vaginal dryness. [ , ]

The foreskin also increases the sexual enjoyment of the female partner. [ ]

It can and does result in very significant scaring.

It can and does result in sexual problems later in life.

Circumcised males have a much higher rate of sexual dysfunction and premature ejaculation. [ ]

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) "there is little evidence to affirm the association between circumcision status and optimal penile hygiene." [ ]

Hygiene and prevention of disease are among the commonest reasons cited for performing male circumcision. This directory contains references that examine the validity of these claims in detail:

You are not less prone to STD's, cancer, giving females cancer or anything else. Read the literature library I have referenced. It includes information from National Health Administrations like the American Cancer Society and the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Oh, if you want to know how to clean yourself intact, simple pull back the foreskin it the shower and wash yourself. Let water run over yourself. You may want to not apply soap under where the foreskin lies.

"In sexually mature males, accumulated smegma should be washed away periodically. Soap should be avoided. If soap is used for washing, all residual soap should be rinsed away. Washing with soap is a cause of balanitis."

This is in the disease library I have referenced.
Reply:Circumcision costs vary depending on the state, who performs it, and the kind of insurance you (or your parents in your case) has. It's probably not covered by insurance if it's done for cosmetic and non-medically necessary reasons, and can cost up to several hundred dollars.

From what I've heard the healing process can be really annoying/painful. It generally takes 2-4 weeks to heal. Erections will tend to pull on the stitches and cause pain that way. Also the glans (penis head) will feel oversensitive from rubbing against everything constantly. The sensitivity should decrease and become bearable after about a month or so. Also, you must stop any kind of sexual activity (no masturbation, sex, etc) as that could rip the stitches and makes things really messy and painful.

In my opinion, if you're not having immediate physical/medical problems with your foreskin, there's no really good reason to get circumcised. Cleaning the foreskin is very easy, as I'm uncircumcised too and it's like second nature. It really only takes like 5 more seconds or so; just pull back the foreskin and wash the area underneath like any other part of the body during a shower/bath. That's about it.

And most studies show no real difference between circumcised and uncircumcised guys in getting STDs or infections. In fact, as long as you keep the area clean, there's virtually no difference at all (and this includes HIV, see link 1). In all actuality, circumcision won't prevent/reduce your chances of getting anything; condoms and safe sex will (and hygiene helps too).

The bump may be normal and may go away on its own if you maintain good hygiene in the area. It could be pearly penile papules (link 2), which are normal and nothing to be concerned about, and even circumcision won't eliminate it.

And lastly, circumcision would remove a lot of the nerve endings in the foreskin, nerve endings that would otherwise contribute to sexual sensitivity so things feel better (link 3). Also, there have been studies that seem to show that the foreskin might be beneficial in the sexual satisfaction/pleasure of not only the guy, but the girl as well (links 4, 5, 6).

So in my opinion, if nothing's really wrong right now, you probably won't benefit much from circumcision. Things probably won't feel as good afterwards if you get circumcised, there's no major change in hygiene (unless of course you're having lots of problems with your foreskin), and there's no real difference in getting STDs or infections (unless you're really unclean and plan to have lots of unprotected sex, in which case it might help a tiny bit).

So why put yourself through something where the benefits are only worth it if you plan on being unclean and have unprotected sex? As long as your foreskin works, you maintain good hygiene, and practice safe sex, it's probably better to keep the foreskin. I've no problems with mine and I don't intend on changing.
Reply:As far as cleaning goes, getting circumcised would only save you the five seconds that you spend to pull the foreskin back and rub the head. =P

Also, are you sure that bump isn't normal? You mention under the head, and that's usually where the frenulum is located. You also have a frenulum under your tongue and lips.

Make sure you consider the risks, too, and negative side effects. Nothing is all benefits. In addition, many of the studies that claim that it reduces your chances of getting something are being proved false.

Anyways, insurance is usually over $1,000 or around there (it's that much because they put you to sleep, so unlike newborns you won't yell your guts out). Recovery is about two weeks and is most painful during erections and urination (but especially erections for obvious reasons).

Anyways, here are the risks and links to consider:

At an older age, to avoid the pain that newborns (although a decreasing number of, since fewer are getting it done) go through, you're put to sleep.

However, recovery is another thing. That takes about two weeks to heal (and can take longer, depending on your age). During that time there shouldn't be an masturbation or sex, and pain will be common with erections (and possibly urination).

Other than that, also read up on the risks of circumcision. It's something that cannot be undone if you don't end up liking it.

Circumcision = loss of sensitivity according to new study,2933,2855...

Higher erectile dysfunction rates after circumcision:

When women didn't know what penis they were dealing with (circumcised or uncircumcised) 9 out of 10 preferred uncircumcised (study).

Foreskin anatomy and function (keeps the glans soft and protects it, etc).

Circumcision is extremely painful.

The USA is the last advanced nation doing it, but rates have fallen down from over 90% in the 1960s to as low as 21% here in California currently. From CNN:

Circumcision was actually promoted in the USA at first to stop masturbation (in hopes of it being tight enough to require lubes and not have skin to slide since the foreskin is already moist)

USA = highest HIV rates in advanced nations (and highest circumcision rates). CIA statistics:

And one study already trashed the claims of the study that said that circumcision reduces HIV.

Worldwide circumcision rates:

And discussion of common circumcision benefit myths and discussion of all the risks that can develop over time and negative side effects (buried penis, meatal stenosis, etc):

Women/ Nurses/ Doctors? Breast Issue...?

Okay. I'm 14. I'm a girl, and I don't really have much for chest yet. Under and beside my left nipple there seems to be a lump under my skin when I press my skin. Anything that touches it, hurts it. I was just in the bathroom, and noticed how red it was then I got really scared when I noticed the " semi white " type of liquid that was coming out of my nipple. There wasn't a lot, but it was still there. I know I'm not pregnant, because I haven't ever had sex.... however, i'm still scared! what could this be?
Women/ Nurses/ Doctors? Breast Issue...?
normal breast development, and one always starts before the other. most likely breast milk. just dont mess with it too much.
Women/ Nurses/ Doctors? Breast Issue...?
you need to talk to your mom and go see a doctor. you may have just a simple cyst. it needs to be check out though especially if it is causing you pain.

as far as one breast being larger than the other, the majority of women have the same problem, though most won't admit it.
Reply:My left is bigger than my right if that makes you feel any better and I'm 30! You are just growing. You will get lumps...more commonly called buds as your breasts grow. There is a possibility it could be a fibros lump mostly caused by caffine and sugar. I have heard from many of my clients whom have had breast cancer and their doctors and they say cancer doesnt' hurt...I'm sure that's what your thinking if your scarred about it. If it continues to hurt I would tell your Mom/female family member and go to the doctor, but I'm quite sure your ok!

Birthmark since birth?

the day after my daughter was born I noticed this bruise looking thing kinda shaped like a puzzle piece on her leg right under her bum. I thought thats what it was a bruise but it wasn't. Its a little hairy too. I noticed that when she would get goose bumps that it would kinda lump up kinda looked like cottage cheese under her skin just in that spot....I took her to a dr. on base and of course they didn't know and said as long as she was eating and growing that she was prob fine. It doesn't hurt her she's active and healthy she just turned one and its still hairy but not as dark as it used to be its really really light almost skin colored the best way to describe the color is kinda like milky coffee color and maybe not even that dark....and it doesnt' wrinkle up when she's cold anymore. does anyone know if this is just a seems like its going away it hasn't grown in size and the color has faded almost completely
Birthmark since birth?
Hair on it? It is called a hairy nevus and it can be a serious problem though not usually. If your Dr. doesn't know this... get a new Dr. You don't let something like that go on undiagnosed 'just in case'. Since you say it is lighter... and especially with the lumps... it could also be a cafe au lait mark, which is a sign of many things benign, but also of a cyst forming disorder called neurofibromatosis. "The most common feature of Neurofibromatosis I are skin lesions called a cafe au lait spots. These are flat, smooth, medium to light brown irregularly shaped spots than can occur anywhere on the skin. Many people have one or two cafe au lait spots, and these are often called birth marks. If a child has six or more cafe au lait spots measuring at least half a centimeter (about a 1/4 of an inch), then he should be carefully followed to see if he develops any more signs of Neurofibromatosis I. "

new year lily

I had or have a planter wart on the bottum of my foot.?

it cracked around the edge and I pulled a portion of the wart out. Never has healed . became infected very sore. Doc gave me some medicine for foot infections and that cleared up. The wart will not heal up and at times has a clear discharge. It looks real red and like a blot clot. now the area around the wart under the skin about the sizeof a pencil is hard under the skin. I can squeeze around the wart and looks like it may pop right out but it will bleed very easily . Could this be an absess requiring sergery? Doc tried to freeze the wart. Didn't do much good. The thing just want heal up.
I had or have a planter wart on the bottum of my foot.?
Did you go to a podiatrist? They're specialists and have methods of dealing with stubborn plantar warts.

Have you tried any of the wart removers you can buy over the counter? They take weeks and weeks to work, but it's worth it to get rid of them. Dr. Scholl's Wart Remover, Compound W, Freezone, and Wart-Off.

It sounds as though you need to see a specialist to get a handle on the wart. It's HPV and not easy to get rid of.
I had or have a planter wart on the bottum of my foot.?
keep going till its gone they are hard to get rid of.
Reply:pop it
Reply:that shits gross... go to the doctor u sicko
Reply:Hm. Use a special medicine that you put on your foot, I forgot the name of it, you can ask doctors. Then you a pummastone (unsure how to spell it.) And scrub at it lightly until it turns pink. Not bleed. Then, put a band-aid on it. It worked for mine, it could work for yours. Mine is gone. :)
Reply:these things are a *****! they take forever to go away. i got one 3 years ago and with medication and the dr freezing it off it still came back i got it frozen off about 5 monthes ago and i can feel it growing back now! lol i kno their a pain in the ***
Reply:Sounds like you might have to have it surgically removed. Planters warts have roots and if you don't get the roots out, it will just form another wart. I know, they are very painful. Until you can get it removed, wear corn pads over it to kind of cushion it to ease some of the pain and call you doctor just as soon as you get a chance. Hope you feel better soon!
Reply:Believe it or not you know what works wonders? DUCT TAPE! really, no BS... Duct tape makes a seal around the wart that doesn't allow it to "breathe" to put it simply. usually takes like 4 weeks though. But it works... google it and see for yourself!
Reply:My husband had these things and they are horrible. It took him several freezings to get rid of them. They even took a scapel and cut down deep to get closer to them. They do have this black stuff in there, and like a bunch of really deep holes. Are you going to a dermatologist. That would be the best choice, vs a regular doctor. Just don't give up. You have to get the root. Also, after he had them frozen and cut out they gave him this very expensive cream to put on his feet (just one tube (the size of a handi-wipe) cost over 100 dollars!). I'm not sure what it was, but it worked great. He would put it on, cover it with a bandage and wear thick socks. Feet get infected easily due to all the dirt they can be exposed to naturally. . . Luckily they healed after the third treatment and now you can't even tell he had them. He had these things for 3 years and they just got worse and worse over that time. I had them for maybe 3 months and they cleared up on their own.

They say to also try Duct Tape for 9 days solid, but we didn't find this worked at all. I also had a friend who had surgery on hers to have them removed and then wore a cast on her foot. Good luck.
Reply:damn i had something just like that, i can't remember why it finally went away. i was in my early 20's and it hurt and was ugly. i had it for maybe a year, it did heal without a scar but i can't remember what cured it, sorry. i tend to believe it went away on it's own.
Reply:Time to see a different doctor.
Reply:i had 5 get some duofilm put a drop on nightly and put regular tape on it

in the morning take off tape

(the skin will die) take a foot razor and scrape the wart

good luck
Reply:Planters warts can take awhile to go away so your problem might not be as bad as you think it is. I would recommend going to the doctor again and also try not to pick at it too much. Sometimes that can make it worse.

Hope this helps :-)
Reply:Many years ago, way back in high school, I started getting planters wart. It started as one. Then two, then three, until both of the bottom of my feet looked liked old sponges. When I went to the Doctor, he said it was the worst case he had ever seen. He started treatment, which was some type of a sound machine which he rubbed an oil. Then he injected some kind of medicine by needle into the wart. Then he put freezed ice on it. It hurt quite a bit. But due the intensity of how many I had, he could only do two warts at a time on each foot. I had to go to him once a week for a couple weeks. But he got rid of them. He informed me that planters wart comes from going barefoot in public areas such as stores, bathrooms, sidewalks, ect. I have faithfully wore shoes or sandles every since. It is contagious.


i have had acne for years now...and i was doing really good for about 6months with keeping it under control...but now i am getting these hard bumbs under the skin...theyre not like normal pimples theyre reall hard not even bustable....for example like alicia keys and jenifer love skin is in the proactiv commarcials but i tried proactiv and it didnt work...HELP PLEASE!!
Yes, definitely go see a dermatologist about that. I had a few of those bumps (cystic acne) when I was a teenager, and I didn't know you shouldn't try to pop them. I ended up with a couple of scars on my cheek from the, so please don't try popping them.

There are several acne medications that are available by prescription that can help with cystic acne. Accutane is one, but it's very heavily controlled (for good reason). Doctors can also inject little tiny amounts of steroids into very resistant bumps, and help make them go away.

Make an appointment with a dermatologist, and good luck to you!
Go and see a dermatoligist!! they will be able to help you, most over the counter stuff doesn't work!
Reply:Go and see a dermatologist. They'll be able to pinpoint the problem, and can hopefully recommended a solution.
Reply:see a dermatologist, they will help you detrmain what they are.
Reply:That sounds internal...

you need to get it checked by a doctor/dermatologist.

they may recommend an anti-biotic....
Reply:That's cystic acne. you can have regular facials at a spa in your area that carries the Guinot skin care line and will improve. You can also have a Acne facial witha laser, they help alot
Reply:That sounds like Cystic acne .... it usually does not respond to over the counter stuff. Don't try to pop them - you'll cause major scarring ! You need to see a dermatologist.
Reply:See a doctor. Years ago my bother had severe cystic acne %26amp; was prescribed Acutane %26amp; it worked. It isn't for anyone esp. women of child bareing age. Get informed on all the side effects first.
Reply:It's time to see a dermatologist.

Are you in agreement to legislation requiring a bio-chip implant in humans with a crime record?

Veri-Chip Corp. is mfg. a bio-chip capable of being implanted under the skin in farm animals so that their entire history can be on file with the new NAIS oversite boondoggle agency. The stated purpose: to control disease outbreaks and limit their contamination.

A similar chip can be implanted under the skin of humans as well, for the purpose of clear absolute identification making it difficult to compromise or steal one's identity. This technology is capable of containing all of your medical, financial and property records and related identifying numbers and history. Certain machine "readers" can then readily access this micro chip information.

It is unclear as to whether or not a thief could steal this information by simply kidnapping a person %26amp; then using a hackers equipment to access this information? Would this type of implant invite a new type of criminal activity?

If the implant bus.isn't clear to you, here is a website that can help -
Are you in agreement to legislation requiring a bio-chip implant in humans with a crime record?
No, someone who commited a crime and has completed the punishment given by the courts should not have to have a microchip implanted inside them for any reason. It would be cruel and unusual punishment which is forbidden by this country.

Someone who is on parole, probation or some similar punishment for a crime, I feel still should not have to endure a microchip implant, and I hope that it would never be allowed by law.

Now lets for example take someone who is on probation or parole for a serious crime like rape or murder. It reasons that this person could still be considered a threat to society since they have not completed thier punishment and been rehabilited. These people could be considered for a program to implant microchips with criminal records on them, but to what end? A person on probation or parole is already under the supervision of the state, and can be put in jail for almost anything, in some cases even contact with the police that does not result in arrest or citation can violate someones probation or parole. The police have access to a persons records easily and can identify a person with ease at the scence of a crime or a stop for any reason. People who are considered dangerous and a threat to the community are usually placed in jail rather then on probation, and are only releases on parole at such a time as the parole baord feels they are not a threat and as i said before they are monitored by the police dept. people who are considered risks and are let out usually have to wear a ankle bracelet containing a gps system to the police can keep track of them or are placed on house arrest and are subject to closer monitering. So there is no logical reasoning for implanting criminals who are on probation or parole with microchips and there is no reason to implant convicted criminals who have finished thier sentence with microchips.

The goverment has been pushing for things like these under the guise of protecting citizens, but to anyone who doesn't just buy the party line and actually thinks for themselfs it should be clear that the best intrests of the citizens of this country are not served by constant monitoring by the goverment. Why wold the goverment need to be able to constantly monitor its citizens? If i am walking down the street doing nothing wrong, why should the police be able to just find out who i am? which could be easily done with chip implants. why should the police be able to pull up my entire record for walking with my girlfriend with out me commiting a crime? why should they be able to invade my privacy without my consent when i have commited not crime?

Now as far as the chips creating new crime, of course no safegaurds are ever safe enough there will always be crime as long as there is law. I belive that chip implants will only make crime worse with people being able to steal a persons whole identity just by stealing the chip. I can envision murders in third world countries and a black market such as has only been envisioned by science fiction writers.
Are you in agreement to legislation requiring a bio-chip implant in humans with a crime record?
a few people have had this done already with their medical records on the chip. Of course it is completely voluntary, but one can certainly see that govt. at some point wanting to track people that way. In fact, take it a step further and add GPS to it, and we are all toast - and I dont believe in govt. conspiracies.
Reply:Nope, I'm not. Here are some thoughts:

I think we have to remember that human nature is what it is. Most people will not want a chip in their bodies or in their children. Also, if a company can make the chip so can someone else, even if they have to do it illegaly. So it would cause a host of problems...besides, what is the protocol for retrieving the chips when the person dies? There would be a black market for those things in a flash...many criminals would want those to change their identity. I think such a system would be very cumbersome and require far too much oversite to secure and regulate.

What we're more likely to see in the near future is a shift toward biometric recognition devices. Electronic fingerprint readers are cheap and's harder to trade fingers than chips. Facial recognition technology is also pretty well developed and already in use...again harder to trade faces than chips. Once the person is properly identified, then you can access a host of information in databases that already exist...granted it might takea search warrant or subpoena to do it legally, but at least you know who you're looking at.
Reply:Again.......smells a little like 666 to me........
Reply:I don't think the American public would ever agree to it. It sounds awfully "big brother" to me.

There is certainly an "end times" feel to it as well.
Reply:its a good idea
Reply:California has a new DNA law requiring certain felons to submit to DNA sampling. Between that and live scan law enforcement can properly identify and obtain history of each suspect. Live Scan is a fingerprinting computer that instantly checks the prints against the Department of Justice data. Results are sent back to the agency within minutes. The DNA can be used if the suspect went as far as destroying his fingerprints or cutting off his fingers. Obtaining a criminal history on a person is easy for law enforcement to do as long as they have justified reason for needing it.
Reply:I am for this 100% for criminals that have done harm to others such as pedifiles who cannot be cured.I am from Florida where the Jessica lunsford crime took place.If John Coey had a Implant,it would have probably saved her life as they would have discovered very quickly that he had left his place of residence and was living next door to this child.We MUST keep track of these predators.

Feels like my skull is spitting. Major headaches ????

I have been having terrible migrane headaches for years now. recently I noticed there is a distinct line in my forhead that feels like my skull has split under the skin. then today I found another yet deeper one on the side of my head. When I run my fingers over this canal like dent it is very sensitive to touch and hurts. these are the main areas where I have terrible headaches. has anyone ever heard of such a thing. could my skull actually be splitting under the skin????
Feels like my skull is spitting. Major headaches ????
Re these headaches you should definitely go to see a Doctor as soon as you can as you shouldn't be putting up with this pain and maybe you are just imagining re your skull splitting. This doesn't sound real to me and maybe it is just the pain that is making you thinking like this. I think we all have little dents in our heads????? Make an appointment NOW.
Feels like my skull is spitting. Major headaches ????
Any concerns like this need to go straight to your doctor. Anyone on Yahoo! Answers isn't going to be able to give you any kind of real help.

Get there... now!
Reply:This could be a VERY serious a specialist ASAP.
Reply:look up cluster head aches. my father suffered from them and that's how he described them.


Girls... lump in groin area?

I went to the gyno in November 2006 for a lump that is in my right groin area. It is right where my underwear line hits. It is under the skin. There is no way to pop it, or to get fluid out. It is just a lump about the size of a dime under the skin. I saw the gyno and she didn't seem to worry about it. I have now had it going on two months now. Should I be worried? If you have had a similar problem please share your experience. Any advice is appreciated. It does hurt at times, especially when my clothing rubs and irritates it. The doctor said to not shave the area and to wear loose clothing to see if that helps it clear up. Still have it though.
Girls... lump in groin area?
It sounds like it may be a boil. As your doctor said, avoid shaving and wear loose clothing/cotton panties. I would also do warm soaks a few times a day (very warm water on a washcloth will suffice). Sometimes these are caused by ingrown hairs and it make take a bit for the hair to work its way out. I don't recommend this, but I have heard other nurses who have popped them (taking a sharp needle and cleaning it with boiling water/alcohol) and just touching it lightly to create an opening. If not done properly, it can cause infection. Please try the warm soaks first! If the boil doesn't go away, see your primary care doc and see if they can do an I %26amp; D. Good luck!
Girls... lump in groin area?
It could just be a boil, but just in case I think I'd have a dermatologist look at it. He/she can offer you advice either way.

If it;s some sort of cyst or mole. Just have it removed and be done with it. I had a blackened area that was noted when I had a GYN exam. I went to the dermatologist and they removed it and biopsied it and it was just some weird cells and not cancer. The only discomfort is when they give you a shot to numb the area. I know it's not in the best area, but you really should get it removed now, especially if it's bothering you. Things like that can change down the road and turn cancerous, so best to just get it out of the way now.
Reply:What you might have is a bartholin cyct . I had the samething and it hurts like crazy when it gets bigger. It will even hurt to walk , stand and even when you sit. I had to go to the ER for this . I was told to sit in warm water in the bath tub to soak the cyct and that will help pop it . When it pops you will see some blood and some pus . It might not pop right away . Mine busted at nite. Good luck

Removing extra hair?

when i remove the extra hair on my legs (almost by wax,or any other way of removing hair from roots )it grows again under the skin, and looks as black points under the skin, and this is so ugly ... plz plz help me what can i do?
Removing extra hair?
Exfolliate!!!!Make a scrub your best friend!Often but not to hard.It could cause an infection
Removing extra hair?
Hair Removal: Temporary and Permanent Solution
Reply:You have undergrowth. This happens due to continual waxing. First of all dont wear clothes that r too tight coz friction will aggravate the problem.Shave ur legs with a good quality razor once every 6 months and wax the hair in other months.
Reply:lasar hair removal



I'm having a problem with pimples. I'm 13 years old, and this is NOT caused by puberty... It seems that I have bacteria trapped under the skin on my nose, and every... 3-4 months a BIG Huge pimple appears on my nose... at first I thought that it could be acne cysts, but I figured out that it was not... I seriously do not know what to do... I applied Benzyl Peroxide 5% on it.. I used to apply 10% and that would usually do the job, but I can't find it anymore.

I usually popped the pimples when they were ready to be popped, and that would cause scarring.. since when I was 11 years old I had these kinds of pimples, and there's nothing I can do to get rid of them...

I still have scars on my nose, and my nose is still red and remains red from all the scars.. that's what is leading me to believe that there is bacteria under my skin...

Is there anyway that I could get rid of this bacteria?
Hydrogen peroxide. Find it at any drug store in a brown bottle. just dab it on the top (if it's opened. otherwise it wont work). If it foams white, then there is bacteria. This helps clean out bacteria. I use this for all my scrapes and blisters too. But it takes the moisture out of your skin, so make sure to replenish.
Reply:Go to the dermatologist and ask about Differin Gel. It really helped me.......

...and yahoo sucks.

Feels like my skull is spitting. Major headaches ????

I have been having terrible migrane headaches for years now. recently I noticed there is a distinct line in my forhead that feels like my skull has split under the skin. then today I found another yet deeper one on the side of my head. When I run my fingers over this canal like dent it is very sensitive to touch and hurts. these are the main areas where I have terrible headaches. has anyone ever heard of such a thing. could my skull actually be splitting under the skin????
Feels like my skull is spitting. Major headaches ????
Re these headaches you should definitely go to see a Doctor as soon as you can as you shouldn't be putting up with this pain and maybe you are just imagining re your skull splitting. This doesn't sound real to me and maybe it is just the pain that is making you thinking like this. I think we all have little dents in our heads????? Make an appointment NOW.
Feels like my skull is spitting. Major headaches ????
Any concerns like this need to go straight to your doctor. Anyone on Yahoo! Answers isn't going to be able to give you any kind of real help.

Get there... now!
Reply:This could be a VERY serious a specialist ASAP.
Reply:look up cluster head aches. my father suffered from them and that's how he described them.


Girls... lump in groin area?

I went to the gyno in November 2006 for a lump that is in my right groin area. It is right where my underwear line hits. It is under the skin. There is no way to pop it, or to get fluid out. It is just a lump about the size of a dime under the skin. I saw the gyno and she didn't seem to worry about it. I have now had it going on two months now. Should I be worried? If you have had a similar problem please share your experience. Any advice is appreciated. It does hurt at times, especially when my clothing rubs and irritates it. The doctor said to not shave the area and to wear loose clothing to see if that helps it clear up. Still have it though.
Girls... lump in groin area?
It sounds like it may be a boil. As your doctor said, avoid shaving and wear loose clothing/cotton panties. I would also do warm soaks a few times a day (very warm water on a washcloth will suffice). Sometimes these are caused by ingrown hairs and it make take a bit for the hair to work its way out. I don't recommend this, but I have heard other nurses who have popped them (taking a sharp needle and cleaning it with boiling water/alcohol) and just touching it lightly to create an opening. If not done properly, it can cause infection. Please try the warm soaks first! If the boil doesn't go away, see your primary care doc and see if they can do an I %26amp; D. Good luck!
Girls... lump in groin area?
It could just be a boil, but just in case I think I'd have a dermatologist look at it. He/she can offer you advice either way.

If it;s some sort of cyst or mole. Just have it removed and be done with it. I had a blackened area that was noted when I had a GYN exam. I went to the dermatologist and they removed it and biopsied it and it was just some weird cells and not cancer. The only discomfort is when they give you a shot to numb the area. I know it's not in the best area, but you really should get it removed now, especially if it's bothering you. Things like that can change down the road and turn cancerous, so best to just get it out of the way now.
Reply:What you might have is a bartholin cyct . I had the samething and it hurts like crazy when it gets bigger. It will even hurt to walk , stand and even when you sit. I had to go to the ER for this . I was told to sit in warm water in the bath tub to soak the cyct and that will help pop it . When it pops you will see some blood and some pus . It might not pop right away . Mine busted at nite. Good luck

Removing extra hair?

when i remove the extra hair on my legs (almost by wax,or any other way of removing hair from roots )it grows again under the skin, and looks as black points under the skin, and this is so ugly ... plz plz help me what can i do?
Removing extra hair?
Exfolliate!!!!Make a scrub your best friend!Often but not to hard.It could cause an infection
Removing extra hair?
Hair Removal: Temporary and Permanent Solution
Reply:You have undergrowth. This happens due to continual waxing. First of all dont wear clothes that r too tight coz friction will aggravate the problem.Shave ur legs with a good quality razor once every 6 months and wax the hair in other months.
Reply:lasar hair removal



I'm having a problem with pimples. I'm 13 years old, and this is NOT caused by puberty... It seems that I have bacteria trapped under the skin on my nose, and every... 3-4 months a BIG Huge pimple appears on my nose... at first I thought that it could be acne cysts, but I figured out that it was not... I seriously do not know what to do... I applied Benzyl Peroxide 5% on it.. I used to apply 10% and that would usually do the job, but I can't find it anymore.

I usually popped the pimples when they were ready to be popped, and that would cause scarring.. since when I was 11 years old I had these kinds of pimples, and there's nothing I can do to get rid of them...

I still have scars on my nose, and my nose is still red and remains red from all the scars.. that's what is leading me to believe that there is bacteria under my skin...

Is there anyway that I could get rid of this bacteria?
Hydrogen peroxide. Find it at any drug store in a brown bottle. just dab it on the top (if it's opened. otherwise it wont work). If it foams white, then there is bacteria. This helps clean out bacteria. I use this for all my scrapes and blisters too. But it takes the moisture out of your skin, so make sure to replenish.
Reply:Go to the dermatologist and ask about Differin Gel. It really helped me.......

...and yahoo sucks.

Song lyric help? what this songs about??

Like the pills in your hand I'll never let you down

And like the bugs in your bed under my skin now

Devouring all that's left of me

Devouring all that's left of me

In the palm of your hand a resting place

All the guilt in the land resting on me

And we're crushing beneath it falling beside ourselves

And we're wishing to break this neverending spell

Send us back to hell we've had our fill of heaven

Give us back our sins deadly one through seven

Keep us from their hearts saving us like ashes

Grind us down to dust we'll never trust in anything we're told

Like the pills in your hand I'll never let you down

And like the bugs in your bed under my skin now

They're devouring all that's left of me

Yeah they're devouring all that's left of me

Send us back to hell we've had our fill of heaven

Give us back our sins deadly one through seven

Keep us from their hearts saving us like ashes

Grind us down to dust we'll never trust in anything we're told
Song lyric help? what this songs about??
wow sounds a little depressing i think its something about love or saying how they dont deserve good things
Song lyric help? what this songs about??
Sounds to me like someone's gettin' ready to take enough drugs to bite the big one.
Reply:Well that one of the great things about music isn't it. Everyone has their own interpretation of the music and lyrics.
Reply:I think these lyrics are about how this person is bored with life, and looking for something to make him or herself have meaning or purpose, and while looking for that "something" they continue on with life doing nothing.
Reply:it kinda sounds like a love conflict whether it be with family friends or a signifigant other it sounds like they feel overwhelmed and want every thing to be over like they dont want to deal wiht the conflict any more.... hope that helps
Reply:the person can always depend on him because he will always be there.

But, he will always eat at that person.

The other person is the lyricists confidant and he can always rest the problems he has in his hands, but he feels that everything is his fault.

It is all so heavy, He wishes they weren't to blame for everything.

They feel as if they are too bad for heaven.

They want to be bad again and not care.

He doesn't want anyone to think of him

He doesn't care what anyone says

same as first

same as third.

hope that helped...what song is this anyways?

floral arrangement styles

My dentist refered me to an oral surgeon to get my WISDOM TEETH removed.?

he told me that he would have to cut them out cuz they are partially under the skin and that they were as much out of the skin that they are going to be. he said the roots are deeeeeeep that they were in there good. what does that mean and when i am under anesthesia, what are they going to do and how are they most likely going to get them out? they are not impacted, but they are barely out of the jaw bone. WILL THEY CUT, DRILL, SAW, OR JUST PULL THEM???????!!!!! PLEASE HELP,,,, I AM A DENTAL PHOBIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My dentist refered me to an oral surgeon to get my WISDOM TEETH removed.?
When you go in for your appointment, tell them NOT TO BE SPECIFIC - the less you know about what's going to happen the better!

Just let them do their job efficiently, painlessly and quickly!

Extracting teeth isn't all that painful these days. They numb you up good! Just like they numb you up for a Root Canal.

Just close your eyes, breath deep and hold onto the arm rests!

Most Oral Surgeons have music in their offices. Maybe that will calm your nerves.
My dentist refered me to an oral surgeon to get my WISDOM TEETH removed.?
Worry not.

Give you anaesthetic they will.

Remove teeth pain not much will you feel.

Later pain will come better off will you be.

Pull them out they will.
Reply:Almost everyone gets their wisdom teeth removed, it completely normal. The dentist will give you shots for the pain and then he will cut your gum above the tooth and pull out the tooth. There will not be any drilling or sawing, simply some cutting and pulling will be involved.
Reply:Are you having a problem with them? Are you in oain. My dentist told me I need to get mine surgically removed as well. I had no porblem with them. I went to get a second opinion and was told that if they were not bothering me that I did not need to worry about it.
Reply:They will cut some and pull. Don't worry, you won't feel a thing. I know someone who had it done too.
Reply:just had mine out in march. trust me, you will be fine! it felt like it only took 5 minutes. i went under general anesthesia (which means you basically fall asleep almost instantly) very safe, they are monitoring your vital signs. don't worry about "how" they will get them out, just make sure that you get plenty of rest afterwards and take a few days off work. the swelling will go down within a week. they will give you pain medicine..the first day, not much pain, but very swollen. i was eating normal foods by the 4th day. good luck!
Reply:they will cut the gums open and get a good grip on the teeth through the cut and pull them out..... don't worry, the anesthesia will keep you from knowing a thing that's going on, you'll be asleep....then you'll get prescription pain meds to take'll do fine
Reply:I had my two top wisdom teeth pulled out by my dentist last summer and he said he wasn't going to be able to do the bottom two and sent me to an oral surgeon. So I went and the surgeon said she could only remove one since there is a slight chance for temporary or permanent numbness from removing the root so far into the gums and because of the nerves in the mouth. I suggest going under anesthesia, I didn't and wished I had. They will pull the tooth, I think she kind of dug the tooth out from under the skin, I don't think she cut my gums. Then she put a couple stitches in and they came out on their own in a couple days. Just make sure you get the pain killer they prescribe, I really needed the vicodin, but after a couple days I was good, a little sore still but not in much pain.
Reply:Had it done with a "oral surgeon". I have very large teeth and my roots were extra long. The worst part is signing a release paper that states you could die during surgery. I signed it, cried while going under anesthesia. Awaken to a dish of broken teeth and no pain. Take your pain pill right away because once home, you will feel the pain. I could not eat for days..........LOST WEIGHT. I stayed with my mom for days after, she treated me very well. Best of luck. P.S. I did have nerve damage for a few months because my roots were very near the nerve and if touched, they could possibly damage it. My month would numb up with no feeling when I would talk which caused me to talk funny but it only lasted a few months and only occurred several times.
Reply:hats off to you !!
Reply:your first visit to the hospital will be a consultation,with the consultant,he or she will explain what is going to happen when they take your wisdom teeth out,explain that your nervous, they will understand and try to put you at sounds like they are going to give you general anaesthetic,so you will be asleep throughout the procedure,which is great cause you wont feel a thing.they will make a cut into the gum to gain better excess to your tooth and trim the bone then leaver the tooth out,after they have done this they will put one or two stitches in to close the socket up a bit. you will wake up feeling sore but I'm sure they will prescribe you some painkillers and probably a course of antibiotics to prevent any infections during the healing process.I'm sure you will be advised to rinse with SALT water for a few weeks. after having your teeth out you probably wont feel like eating but try and eat soft things such as pasta fish soup thd bread. good luck.
Reply:yes. general practitioners cannot perform odontectomy unless they had an experience to do so. its not that so scary coz its like normal extraction. they would perform block anethesia and after that you would not feel anything, they would use the drill if your teeth was embedded in the bone and have them cut by sections if its difficult to remove with forceps.
Reply:dont worry. I am an oral surgery assistant. i will tell you exactly whats going to happen, and i have had it done myself. First, they will give you a mask to put over your nose that gives you laughing gas. then they will give you a little needle in your arm that will put you to sleep. Dont worry. with the gas you wont care about the needle. then they will make small incisions in the gum tissue over the tooth. if the teeth are under the bone, they will use a drill to remove the bone. then they will take an elevator (it kind of looks like a screwdriver) and they will put it under the tooth and elevate it out. Sometimes they have to drill the tooth in half to get it out, but in any case, the whole thing usually only takes 30 to 45 minutes, and you wont know a thing. Its usually a little sore aferwards, but only for a day or two. It is really not bad at all. you can email me if you have any questions.
Reply:They will probably come right out with no sectioning since they are slightly exposed. Piece of cake!! Ice on your cheeks when you get home.
Reply:Don't worry about it. they will have to cut them out. You will have plenty of meds so you won't feel anything. The day after there will be soreness, but i'm sure they will prescribe pain med's to help.
Reply:Listen to me very carefully (or better read)

dmd means doctor of dental medicine. i m one level(2 years more educated) upper than a dsd (doctor of dental surgery)

The information i ll give is NOT a book info, it is a personal idea. Usually bigger ppl use too many force when doing things. But petite ppl use tecnicks so good. I mean, a 190 cm long surgeon is usually depending on his muscle forces, but a 160 cm surgeon usually use tecnicks to get it out. And when dsd use tecnicks and not too much force on you, u wont even feel what happend there.(Height is not important, i m talking about power,methoods and tenderness)
Reply:The hardest part is getting over the fear. Its a common practice to remove wisdom teeth. They will first rub the gum with a numbing agent, then give you a numbing agent through a shot then you will feel nothing except a little pressure from him pulling, but you dont normally feel pain. If your really scareed tell your dentist and alot of times they will give you a pill to help relax your nerves or sometimes even put you to sleep if removing more than one tooth.
Reply:Where are you located. If your in texas there is a awsome dentist in Pflugerville name Dr. Mark Smith I know I have that phobia also He is great and you will feel at ease.
Reply:I am scared to death of dentists!! I did have my WISDOM TEETH taken out. You are totally asleep and won't feel anything. Good pain meds and your on your way. STOP ASKING SO MANY QUESTIONS...your only gonna freak yourself out!!
Reply:realx.. no matter what happens.. u'll be half asleep and woudn't know sh**if someone even sawed ur arm away...

nope it wont hurt even after you wake up.. some slight swelling maybe..
Reply:Not to worry my friend....all will be well!!! just sit back and enjoy the may have a swollen face for a few days and some minor jaw pain but the medicine they prescribe will take care of everything....(in slow motion if you are lucky) that was my most favorite week of my life....damn percocet!!
Reply:don't worry with the anethisia you will be fine. i'm going to have to get my wisdom teeth pulled out too! good luck
Reply:You will be asleep, don麓t worry about it.. I had it done, no problem at all.

Has anyone ever had a vagina bump aka cyst type that look like?

ok its on my vagina close to the opening on the out side,its like a lil pearl got traped under my skin or something,its like half a cm and moves around under my skin .it gets swollen if i mess with it and then goes back to the normal seems it has some clear fluid in it cus only one time i poked it and clear stuff came out and i never did it again,its been there about 8 months ,ever sine i got pregnant thats when i noticed it .it never ever hurts its just there and also i HAVE SHOWED THE DOCTORS AND MOST OF THEM SAY IT LOOKS LIKE A HARMLESS CYST BUT CANT REMOVE OR NOTHING TILL AFTER I HAVE BABY....WHAT DO YOU THINK
Has anyone ever had a vagina bump aka cyst type that look like?
After you have the baby, they will probably give you some antibiotics to see if it goes away. If not, they will have to remove it. Let it be, don't pick at it. Wait a few more months and then they can take care of it.
Has anyone ever had a vagina bump aka cyst type that look like?
If doctor themselves says cannot remove it until you have baby then, We may do not have any clue. As long as it does not hurt you then wait till Baby comes out.
Reply:Bartholin cyst...The Bartholin's glands are located on each side of the vaginal opening...Signs and symptoms

If the cyst remains small and no infection occurs, you may not notice it. If it grows, you might feel the presence of a lump or mass near your vaginal opening. Although a cyst is usually painless, it can be tender.

If the cyst becomes infected 鈥?a full-blown infection can occur in a matter of days 鈥?you may experience the following signs and symptoms:

A tender or painful lump near the vaginal opening

Discomfort while walking or sitting

Pain during intercourse



Experts believe that the cause of a Bartholin cyst is a backup of fluid when the opening of the gland (duct) becomes obstructed, perhaps by the growth of a flap of skin.

A cyst can become infected, forming an abscess
Reply:When I got pregnant, my body went through so many wierd changes like that. I had a couple different rashes on my tummy though I never had one in my life. Just wait til you have the baby! (if this is your first). It is probably harmless. Those doctors usually know what they're talking about =) Have it removed if you're uncomfortable with it, though.

Problem shaving?

Hi, I just been shaving my face recently maybe for a few months, but my problem is when i shave, i still have some areas on my face were the hair root is visible but under the skin. I cant remove it because its under the skin. Does anyone have any ideas about how to overcome this problem, i would greatly appreciate it, thanks
Problem shaving?
Chances are good, you have dark hair. This shadow effect is very common among men. You're not unique in this respect.

There is nothing you can do about this.

I wouldn't advise shaving harder or re-shaving an area once it's been freshly shaved. Cutting too deep can leave hair imbedded under the skin %26amp; cause pimples and/or razor bumps, such as ingrown hair.
Problem shaving?
hey mate you asked a question which was in my head?

Did you know that there really is a fine technique to shaving? Even though you do it everyday you might not be doing it right! There are some important tips to know…so that you won’t ever have to worry about causing a razor irritation again.

Using good quality shaving products, such as the ones we feature, help to reduce skin irritation, razor bumps, ingrown hairs and other problems resulting from shaving. If you follow these simple shaving tips and you will be on the road to flawless healthy skin.

So, easy quick step by step:

Shave during or after a shower or when beard has been wet for five minutes.

Use a good quality cream, gel or oil and make sure it is massaged into the skin well.

Shave with a clean sharp razor blade and make sure you use a light touch.

Shave with the grain in slow strokes and only go against the grain if you have to, if you do use extra lubrication and only do it once on each area.

Don’t shave over irritated skin until it has healed.

After shaving, rinse the area thoroughly with cool water.

Follow shaving with a post shave moisturiser.

Ideally finish off with an all over face sunscreen.

More in depth explanation:


You should always shave at the end of a shower (or in the shower), or after your hair has been wet for at least five minutes. Use one of our shaving creams, gels or oils for best results. Hair which is wet hair is softer and easier to cut. For best results use a face scrub regularly to stop razor drag and as an extra measure to prevent ingrown hairs forming.

The razor

With a good razor blade and the right technique, you should be able to cut through it, no problem. The brand name of the blade is far less important than the state it is in. You will not get a close shave from a blunt blade and you will end up with redness and blotches on your face and neck. The answer is simple. As soon as you feel a blade is not performing properly, replace it!

The product

Using a good quality shaving product is very important. You must ensure that your shave preparation whether it is oil, gel or cream (which can be applied with a shaving brush) is thoroughly massaged into the stubble or hair (the amount of lather is irrelevant – lots of foam does not mean a better shave). It is important that to get the full benefit of your shaving product, take a moment to read the instructions on pack.

Big no no!

If you think you can have a sneaky dry shave, think again! If you try to cut dry whiskers you face the risk of pulling the hair up from its follicle and having it snap back under the skin, where it can grow crookedly, not able to exit the follicle, therefore causing ingrown hairs.

How to do it

Hold your razor lightly. A delicate touch goes a long way to giving you a safe, comfortable shave. Imagine your face as a balloon and shave with that lightness of touch. If you haven’t shaved for a few days, make sure to use a new blade. Most shaving problems are self-inflicted from rushing, not using enough warm water and a barbarian technique! Just take your time and go slow.

Shave with light downward strokes. It’s best to shave in the same direction as the hair lies or, “with the grain” – so that you don’t cut the hair too short. If you shave upwards it can also cause the hair to snap back and retract under the skin, causing irritation and razor bump problems. However, you can shave upwards with extra lubrication, using light upward strokes after you have made an initial pass downward.

Do not over shave. Going over and over the same area on your face or body with a razor can cause the hair to be cut too short, again resulting in ingrown hairs, razor bumps, or skin irritation. Shave what you need to, but go easy, overlapping only where you have to.

Don’t stretch your skin when you shave. Although sometimes you might have to pull your skin a bit to get the razor over a patch smoothly without any nicks, the best way to shave is to leave your skin as it is – natural and relaxed. Tightening the skin can cause hairs to be shaved below the resting surface of the skin – again, cutting them too short, which can cause skin irritation and other problems.

After shaving rinse the area you have shaved thoroughly with cool water.


Most importantly, if you do get shaving irritation, let the irritated area heal before you drag your razor over it again aggravating the problem. Shaving over this skin abrasion can lead to scarring and severely impacted ingrown hairs that get trapped in the healing process.

After shaving

Follow up with post shave moisturiser. An after shave moisturiser will soothe and cool the skin while some are also able to help heal minor cuts. Avoid after-shave products with high alcohol or perfume content, these can dry out the skin and occasionally cause pigmentation problems on the lower face and neck on certain people.

Always Use Sunscreen. Sunscreen helps to prevent hyper-pigmentation, skin cancer and pre-mature aging. Look at our face moisturisers and lip treatments for non greasy products which provide broad-spectrum UVA %26amp; UVB protection for skin and lips.

Electric shaving

If you are prone to skin irritation, razor bumps, or ingrown hairs, be careful with electric razors. Rotary blades cut hair at different angles. If you do use a rotary razor, make sure you don’t stretch your skin when shaving. Pulling at your skin can cause “razor burn” from the vibrating blades and can also make hair can snap back under the skin, causing skin irritation and other problems. Use one of the electric shave products we feature for a safer, closer electric shave. After shaving just like with a wet shave you should follow with a post shave moisturiser.

What is this bump on my finger, is it something to be worrited about?

i have this bump on my finger, under my skin, on the bone, its like growing, ive had it since thurs morning. i didnt pull anything. im going to the doctors tues. for a med check and im gonna have her look at it, but do YOU think its something to worry about.

it hurts and its under my skin and on a bone, if u have an idea what it is and if i shld worryy PLEASE let me know, i dont want to fret...
What is this bump on my finger, is it something to be worrited about?
It's hard to tell without a description of where on your finger it is located, and what it looks like. A (digital) photo would be helpful. Does it iterfere with the motion of your finder in any way? And it is painful? Red, warm or tender?
What is this bump on my finger, is it something to be worrited about?
It could be a wart, im not for sure though.


Bump in shoulder. Cancer?

On my shoulder near my bicep i have a small bump that is not visible but under the skin i can feel it and when i pinch it it feels like a ball under my skin that can move. Would this be cancer? I am only 17 and am in really good shape, not sure if that matters though.
Bump in shoulder. Cancer?
I do not know since I am not a doctor but 80% of cysts or tumors are noncancerous.
Bump in shoulder. Cancer?
i have one on my arm, it's just a cyst, it's a little sac filled with extra fluid or pus, usually they go away on their own. it's not dangerous. if it gets bigger or bothers you you can get it removed.
Reply:If it worries you that much go get your docs opinion!

Has anyone ever had a vagina bump aka cyst type that look like?

ok its on my vagina close to the opening on the out side,its like a lil pearl got traped under my skin or something,its like half a cm and moves around under my skin .it gets swollen if i mess with it and then goes back to the normal seems it has some clear fluid in it cus only one time i poked it and clear stuff came out and i never did it again,its been there about 8 months ,ever sine i got pregnant thats when i noticed it .it never ever hurts its just there and also i HAVE SHOWED THE DOCTORS AND MOST OF THEM SAY IT LOOKS LIKE A HARMLESS CYST BUT CANT REMOVE OR NOTHING TILL AFTER I HAVE BABY....WHAT DO YOU THINK
Has anyone ever had a vagina bump aka cyst type that look like?
After you have the baby, they will probably give you some antibiotics to see if it goes away. If not, they will have to remove it. Let it be, don't pick at it. Wait a few more months and then they can take care of it.
Has anyone ever had a vagina bump aka cyst type that look like?
If doctor themselves says cannot remove it until you have baby then, We may do not have any clue. As long as it does not hurt you then wait till Baby comes out.
Reply:Bartholin cyst...The Bartholin's glands are located on each side of the vaginal opening...Signs and symptoms

If the cyst remains small and no infection occurs, you may not notice it. If it grows, you might feel the presence of a lump or mass near your vaginal opening. Although a cyst is usually painless, it can be tender.

If the cyst becomes infected 鈥?a full-blown infection can occur in a matter of days 鈥?you may experience the following signs and symptoms:

A tender or painful lump near the vaginal opening

Discomfort while walking or sitting

Pain during intercourse



Experts believe that the cause of a Bartholin cyst is a backup of fluid when the opening of the gland (duct) becomes obstructed, perhaps by the growth of a flap of skin.

A cyst can become infected, forming an abscess
Reply:When I got pregnant, my body went through so many wierd changes like that. I had a couple different rashes on my tummy though I never had one in my life. Just wait til you have the baby! (if this is your first). It is probably harmless. Those doctors usually know what they're talking about =) Have it removed if you're uncomfortable with it, though.

Problem shaving?

Hi, I just been shaving my face recently maybe for a few months, but my problem is when i shave, i still have some areas on my face were the hair root is visible but under the skin. I cant remove it because its under the skin. Does anyone have any ideas about how to overcome this problem, i would greatly appreciate it, thanks
Problem shaving?
Chances are good, you have dark hair. This shadow effect is very common among men. You're not unique in this respect.

There is nothing you can do about this.

I wouldn't advise shaving harder or re-shaving an area once it's been freshly shaved. Cutting too deep can leave hair imbedded under the skin %26amp; cause pimples and/or razor bumps, such as ingrown hair.
Problem shaving?
hey mate you asked a question which was in my head?

Did you know that there really is a fine technique to shaving? Even though you do it everyday you might not be doing it right! There are some important tips to know…so that you won’t ever have to worry about causing a razor irritation again.

Using good quality shaving products, such as the ones we feature, help to reduce skin irritation, razor bumps, ingrown hairs and other problems resulting from shaving. If you follow these simple shaving tips and you will be on the road to flawless healthy skin.

So, easy quick step by step:

Shave during or after a shower or when beard has been wet for five minutes.

Use a good quality cream, gel or oil and make sure it is massaged into the skin well.

Shave with a clean sharp razor blade and make sure you use a light touch.

Shave with the grain in slow strokes and only go against the grain if you have to, if you do use extra lubrication and only do it once on each area.

Don’t shave over irritated skin until it has healed.

After shaving, rinse the area thoroughly with cool water.

Follow shaving with a post shave moisturiser.

Ideally finish off with an all over face sunscreen.

More in depth explanation:


You should always shave at the end of a shower (or in the shower), or after your hair has been wet for at least five minutes. Use one of our shaving creams, gels or oils for best results. Hair which is wet hair is softer and easier to cut. For best results use a face scrub regularly to stop razor drag and as an extra measure to prevent ingrown hairs forming.

The razor

With a good razor blade and the right technique, you should be able to cut through it, no problem. The brand name of the blade is far less important than the state it is in. You will not get a close shave from a blunt blade and you will end up with redness and blotches on your face and neck. The answer is simple. As soon as you feel a blade is not performing properly, replace it!

The product

Using a good quality shaving product is very important. You must ensure that your shave preparation whether it is oil, gel or cream (which can be applied with a shaving brush) is thoroughly massaged into the stubble or hair (the amount of lather is irrelevant – lots of foam does not mean a better shave). It is important that to get the full benefit of your shaving product, take a moment to read the instructions on pack.

Big no no!

If you think you can have a sneaky dry shave, think again! If you try to cut dry whiskers you face the risk of pulling the hair up from its follicle and having it snap back under the skin, where it can grow crookedly, not able to exit the follicle, therefore causing ingrown hairs.

How to do it

Hold your razor lightly. A delicate touch goes a long way to giving you a safe, comfortable shave. Imagine your face as a balloon and shave with that lightness of touch. If you haven’t shaved for a few days, make sure to use a new blade. Most shaving problems are self-inflicted from rushing, not using enough warm water and a barbarian technique! Just take your time and go slow.

Shave with light downward strokes. It’s best to shave in the same direction as the hair lies or, “with the grain” – so that you don’t cut the hair too short. If you shave upwards it can also cause the hair to snap back and retract under the skin, causing irritation and razor bump problems. However, you can shave upwards with extra lubrication, using light upward strokes after you have made an initial pass downward.

Do not over shave. Going over and over the same area on your face or body with a razor can cause the hair to be cut too short, again resulting in ingrown hairs, razor bumps, or skin irritation. Shave what you need to, but go easy, overlapping only where you have to.

Don’t stretch your skin when you shave. Although sometimes you might have to pull your skin a bit to get the razor over a patch smoothly without any nicks, the best way to shave is to leave your skin as it is – natural and relaxed. Tightening the skin can cause hairs to be shaved below the resting surface of the skin – again, cutting them too short, which can cause skin irritation and other problems.

After shaving rinse the area you have shaved thoroughly with cool water.


Most importantly, if you do get shaving irritation, let the irritated area heal before you drag your razor over it again aggravating the problem. Shaving over this skin abrasion can lead to scarring and severely impacted ingrown hairs that get trapped in the healing process.

After shaving

Follow up with post shave moisturiser. An after shave moisturiser will soothe and cool the skin while some are also able to help heal minor cuts. Avoid after-shave products with high alcohol or perfume content, these can dry out the skin and occasionally cause pigmentation problems on the lower face and neck on certain people.

Always Use Sunscreen. Sunscreen helps to prevent hyper-pigmentation, skin cancer and pre-mature aging. Look at our face moisturisers and lip treatments for non greasy products which provide broad-spectrum UVA %26amp; UVB protection for skin and lips.

Electric shaving

If you are prone to skin irritation, razor bumps, or ingrown hairs, be careful with electric razors. Rotary blades cut hair at different angles. If you do use a rotary razor, make sure you don’t stretch your skin when shaving. Pulling at your skin can cause “razor burn” from the vibrating blades and can also make hair can snap back under the skin, causing skin irritation and other problems. Use one of the electric shave products we feature for a safer, closer electric shave. After shaving just like with a wet shave you should follow with a post shave moisturiser.

What is this bump on my finger, is it something to be worrited about?

i have this bump on my finger, under my skin, on the bone, its like growing, ive had it since thurs morning. i didnt pull anything. im going to the doctors tues. for a med check and im gonna have her look at it, but do YOU think its something to worry about.

it hurts and its under my skin and on a bone, if u have an idea what it is and if i shld worryy PLEASE let me know, i dont want to fret...
What is this bump on my finger, is it something to be worrited about?
It's hard to tell without a description of where on your finger it is located, and what it looks like. A (digital) photo would be helpful. Does it iterfere with the motion of your finder in any way? And it is painful? Red, warm or tender?
What is this bump on my finger, is it something to be worrited about?
It could be a wart, im not for sure though.