Friday, October 23, 2009

I i tore my labia minora during delivery and my doc saw it under my labia majora deforming my LM, is it normal

my rigth labia minora now looks half size of the left one, it is hunging inside my vigina and covered my the other labia, i still feel pain, sore, burn in the area where it was attached, when i went to visit my doc she said some women has one labia smaller tha the other one but then i realised she pulled a piece of the skin to sew it somewhere else leaving the rest hunging, is it malpractice?
I i tore my labia minora during delivery and my doc saw it under my labia majora deforming my LM, is it normal
Go to a different doctor and get a second opinion on this.

Women tear during labor - it happens. You didn't say how long it had been since delivery, but it's not normal to be all gobbered up like this. Get a second opinion.

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