Saturday, October 10, 2009

I have a nickel size blister type on my under breast its smooth no pain red and just popped up?

It started out looking like an inlarged vein, now it appears to be enlarging. It came up 2 days ago and it had some skin and peeled off like a blister. Its soft no pain but sometimes slightly warm and mild burn. What could it be? It hasnt any pain like a boil would or a bite.
I have a nickel size blister type on my under breast its smooth no pain red and just popped up?
A new bra? new detergent? exercise using a new piece of equipment inadvertently rubbed that area?

Make sure it isnt a tick bite/spider bite. Apply neosporin/antiseptic to area. If it get worse see your doctor.

Maybe a warm tongue conpress will soothe the area.
I have a nickel size blister type on my under breast its smooth no pain red and just popped up?
get it checked out...could be nothing,,,, but what if it isn't?
Reply:sounds and awful lot like ringworm fungus. in order to find out if this is what it might be. try dabbing it with some vinegar. if it stings like hell it is most likely a high probabilit it isthis. most remedies for this is phenol ointments aka carbolic acid. but it would be best to check with a doctor. since there are number of other possibilites. and it is been a long time since i have had any medicial schooling. shalom?
Reply:your breast area is very sensitive, but no matter what it is you should see your doctor as soon as possible
Reply:Without examine the site, no prescription can be made

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