Friday, November 6, 2009

A Popular Topic... Zits?


I tend to get the slightly painful, red, half under-the-skin kind of zit - not blackheads or whiteheads. Drying them out doesn't really seem to work. I've tried exfoliation, and while it's made my skin feel smoother than ever, the pimples are still there. Also, they tend to leave temporary red marks that last anywhere from two to six months. Because I have been breaking out more than usual, these red marks have been accumulating.

Has anyone found a good way to combat these kinds of pimples? My skin is very fair, so it's rather noticeable. Last night I went out and bought Clearasil Ultra Acne Clearing Scrub, which has made my skin feel really soft. I'm also switching from liquid to mineral concealer, in case the liquid clogged my pores. I'm taking vitamins A and E, as they are good for your skin.

I just started all this recently, so could it be that I need to get the pimples that were beginning to form before I started out of my system before my skin finally clears?

A Popular Topic... Zits?
I used to get those zits, too, and the after-marks (they suck!). I recommend using products with glycolic acid (it's an alpha hydroxy acid) or something with Vitamin A. Both of those ingredients are really good at getting rid of those after-marks (it still takes time for them to go away, but usually not quite as long). But you want one or the other, not both ingredients. I use this stuff: and I think it works great (it has glycolic acid in it). I haven't had one of those cystic zits since using it and those red after-marks don't last nearly as long and old marks are fading.

However, this line is what worked for me. Everyone's skin is different, so it might not work for you. Also, if you have very sensitive skin glycolic acid and vitamin A products might not be for you. You could also try seeing a dermatologist, there's so many acne drugs (oral and topical) on the market.

You said you take Vitamin A and E - cod liver oil and evening primrose oil are also supposed to be good for the skin. Just look for them in your vitamin aisle.

Whatever you try, stick with it for at least a month. Sometimes your skin will get worst before it gets better. Don't use something for a week and give up on it if you don't see instant results - it will take time!

Good luck! :)
A Popular Topic... Zits?
use spectro jel with alcohol it works

Do not touch ur pimples....the less u touch them...the bacteria on ur skin that cause pimples would spead less on the clearer skin n so ur pimples will drastically reduce....this includes not washing ur face with a soap/face wash too many times....if u feel like washing ur face....wash with clean a bit cold water n do not let ur hands touch ur skin!


use glecinrine based soap/face helps reduce pimples


masks unless recommended by any beautician/doctor should not b used coz again there is a chance that bacteria will spead to places which r not yet infected!Never ever use scrubs on ur face wen u hv zits as the granules will create friction agaist pimples n cause scarring.


try sleeping at proper time....a good night's sleep not only brings glow to skin but also relaxes it!


use a good cleansing lotion with 1% clydamycin or cleanse ur skin b4 going to bed with a mild cleanser for sensitive skin.


the best way to get rid of pimples for good is to get urself checked by a good dermatologist ASAP


For scars n red marks...NEVER get ur skin Dr. said"No skin peeling"coz it makes skin thin n hence more sesitive n risk prone!

Just use some anti-scar gel or serum.A home remedy for scar removal is: take 3 table spoons of milk(unboiled/non UHT treated wud b better) n mix it with 2 table spoons of lemon juice,the milk will curdle...put the curd on ur face for 20-30 mins n then wash ur face n apply a good moisturizer.


use a good anti-bacterial toner or pore tightening lotin(Loreal has a goodpore tightening lotion) twice a day after washing ur face!Do put this on after cleansing @ night.In the night the skin becomes more receptive to minerals n nourishments.


Do u know zits/pimples r caused by stress n depression?If u r under stress...try to relax'll definitely help!

10: ask ur Dr. b4 taking any oral medicine acne started as a result of a vitamin suppliment...i got allergic to some component in the tablets!

good luck!

Reply:it could be possible that those pimples are just phasing themselves out b/c a pimple forms three to six weeks b4 it appears on your face. so, give it a bit of time. i don't know a super quick fix, but i apply a bit of a treatment (anything, soap, peel, or lotion that will dry) that contains sylicic (sp?) acid over night. it reduces the redness and size, although it doesn't make it vanish. i also find that doing that will make the pimple go away faster, as well as lessen the apperence of a scar.
Reply:well, keep with the clearasil ultra for about 2wks and see those results. and also, i know it sucks but you should keep away from the concealer for a while, that might be your problem. when you clean your face it needs to breathe and putting makeup on just suffocates it.

or the CU doesnt work then try Murad Acne Complex, it is like pro active but in my opinion is FAR better. its about 30 bucks a month and it gets deliverd to you. if you really want results then check it out, i dont think you will be disappointed.
Reply:i have the same problem at first i used covergirl face coverup but that didn;t get rid of the zits it just made no one see them. but i thiink yu should use proactiv or murad. i have murad and it works for me and everyone else i know who has it. try it! believe me its gona be worth it.!
Reply:Aloe vera mixed with 2 drops of tea tree essential oil works really well and has been shown in studys to improve acne. Doing scrubs is not good for acne at all because it irritates. I use warm oatmeal with a little bit of honey to exfoliate which is more gently. A french "green" clay mask works very well also. It removes impurities from deep within and your acne may get worse before it gets better using the french clay. You should try an organic cleanser. (You can get them at a health food store.) I use a herbal astringent recipe from "The herbal body book" by Stephanie Tourles which you can get cheap on Works really good and is so soothing. That's good that you are taking vitamins A %26amp; E but you should also take a Bcomplex (or B5) vitamin, Zinc, vitamin D and vitamin C. Hope this helps!!
Reply:A week ago I started using a mask and exfoliator and they went away!!! I am rejoicing because these pimples have been on my face for years. First I make a mixture of water and baking soda. It should be kind of like a cream (except it's not very soft). Put it on your face and leave it for about five minutes (or until it is dry). Then scrub it off with water. Then I used nuetragena acne pads on my face. Then I used a mask (leave on for about ten minutes). I used the Artistry mask, but any should work. Then I took another kind of maks (they're different colors, but have the same instructions, so I don't know what the difference is, so you could probably use one for both purposes). I put this second mask on the bigest pimples and left it on over night. I did this every day for a week and now my pimples are almost gone! You can probably even add your own steps in their or take steps away. Revise it to meet your skin's needs. This is what worked for me. Hope this helps. (It also help scars and scabs.)

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