Friday, November 6, 2009

Lumpies in my ex, what are these 1 centemeter lumps?

My ex and I are really close. I am a scientist and like to help him with any medical stuffs. He has recently been diagnosed with Type I Diabetes (at age 28) and his thyriod is a little off kilter (taking meds for this). Other than that he is a very healthy very muscley very active hunk. My Q is-He has these lumps under his skin, about 1 centemeter size, firm not totally symetrical but more round than anything. He has roughly 40 of them. In belly, back and sides mostly. No pain. Move with his skin, but definately under the skin semi deep. He had one biopsied and they said it is fine. What could they be? He said fatty deposits, but it seems odd to me. Anyone have any experiences with this? I call it 'Lumpiosis' but I would love to learn more on this as to what it may be. His doc was not concerned at all after the biopsy.
Lumpies in my ex, what are these 1 centemeter lumps?
These are most likely "lipomas", the "fatty deposits" that some people just get. They like to accumulate on the back and along the lower borders of the ribs, but they can truly be anywhere there is a lot of subcutaneous tissue. The only way to get rid of them is surgically. If there are a lot them in one place (like 40), liposuction is an option, although to my knowledge, they often come back. They are pretty common, and don't have anything to do with obesity.

I have a couple on my arms. They are very mildly annoying if i hit one on a corner just right.

Some sources:

Wikipedia article:

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