Friday, November 6, 2009

How long do dissolving sutures take to dissolve?

One month ago our dog had abdominal surgury to remove a blockage in his intestine. We were told that they used dissolving sutures on the inside of the incision and glue to keep it closed on the outside. The incision site has completely healed and we had him checked out by our vet who said everything was looking good. However, we were giving him a bath a few days ago and noticed what looked like loops of fishing line at each end of the incision site. We explored the are and it looks like the knots are under the skin which has already healed over it. There are bumps under the skin on where the suture goes into the skin. We have called our vet to confirm that dissolving sutures were used, and they checked the charts and confirmed it. They said that it takes awhile to disolve, but these sutures are outside of the skin.

My question is, how long does it take for these "dissolving sutures" to dissolve?
How long do dissolving sutures take to dissolve?
Typically, they take about 10 days to fully dissolve.
How long do dissolving sutures take to dissolve?
it varies a lot, but yes sutures take a long time to dissolve. i would only start worrying after 2 months. as long as there's no inflammation (red, warm, pus, painful), I wouldn't be too concerned. the part on the outside of the skin will be the last to dissolve, sometimes everything else dissolved and the knot just falls off
Reply:They should only take a week or two. I just had my cat spayed and her sutures took about two weeks. I would take your dog to the vet and show them what's going on. Those sutures shoud be gone by now.
Reply:It depends what KIND of suture material was used at to how long they take.

Whatever the answer I can guarantee you that the wound should not be looking like this - please have the vets take a look! They will want to know. Did you actually tell them when you rang what was going on? You do NOT want to trust answers like this to Yahoo, it's abdominal surgery here - infection from an improperly healed wound can and will spread to the gut, so get it checked!!

Reply:It took about 2 wks for the sutures to completely dissolve. If you are really concerned about this call and make an appointment to have them take a look at the area. When i got my JRT got fixed the vet used dissolvable stitches on her and I didn't know how the area was going to look so I called the vet and made an appointment because I thought that she had an infection and they didn't charge me anything. They just came in looked at her stomach and said that it was fine they also told me what to watch for. It can never hurt to have the vet check him out again especially when he has had surgery.

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