Monday, March 15, 2010

What is this bump on my finger, is it something to be worrited about?

i have this bump on my finger, under my skin, on the bone, its like growing, ive had it since thurs morning. i didnt pull anything. im going to the doctors tues. for a med check and im gonna have her look at it, but do YOU think its something to worry about.

it hurts and its under my skin and on a bone, if u have an idea what it is and if i shld worryy PLEASE let me know, i dont want to fret...
What is this bump on my finger, is it something to be worrited about?
It's hard to tell without a description of where on your finger it is located, and what it looks like. A (digital) photo would be helpful. Does it iterfere with the motion of your finder in any way? And it is painful? Red, warm or tender?
What is this bump on my finger, is it something to be worrited about?
It could be a wart, im not for sure though.


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